If YOU are a family child care provider who serves children healthy meals and snacks, then you are eligible to participate in CACFP. There is no cost to apply, and providers benefit by receiving a monthly cash reimbursement to offset the cost of meals and snacks. In addition, providers can receive valuable nutrition education, sample menus, meal planning resources, tax benefits, and a competitive edge to market their business.
CACFP reimbursements vary, and are based on many factors, such as how many children are in care, the number and kinds of meals served, etc. You may be eligible to receive reimbursement for your own children as well. The chart below provides information on potential monthly CACFP reimbursements.
Potential Monthly Reimbursement
Examples: lunch, snack, supper X 20 days
2 children $368
4 children $735
8 children $1468
There is no better time to join the Child and Adult Care Food Program!
Family child care providers who participate in the USDA Child Care Food Program receive reimbursements for meals and snacks served to children in care and receive training on nutrition, menu planning, budgeting, food safety, and children’s nutrition activities.
Program Requirements
Family child care providers must follow several requirements to participate in the USDA Child Care Food Program:
Hold a current State of Alaska or Municipality of Anchorage Child Care license;
Follow USDA meal patterns;
Serve healthy and nutritious foods;
Submit monthly menus and attendance records to receive reimbursement;
Record meals and snacks by the end of each day they are served, keep records up to date and available for reviews;
Allow a minimum of three home visits per year; and
Attend a yearly training.
Claim Submission
USDA forms are easy to follow and submit. AFCCA will train you how to fill out the enrollment forms and how to complete your menus online from any computer with internet access using the online KidKare system or using -paper forms. Click here for a tutorial for claiming with the online KidKare system. Kidkare offers a paid accounting system, it is not mandatory to subscribe to this paid system for your facility to participate in the Child and Adult Care Food Program but is an option. Please click here to learn about the optional add-on.
For more information on how to join the CACFP-USDA program, please email foodprogram@akfamilycca.org or call Food Program at 907-274-2237
Our Favorite Links:
The USDA Food Safety Twitter page for up-to-date information on the importance of safe food handling and reducing the risk of food-borne illnesses.
Healthy Eating From the Start – eight easy ways that families can use mealtimes to support their child’s growth and development.
Cookbook for Homes – recipes for healthy kids